

i. 225 Calories
ii. 11g. fat (44% of calories).

i. 94 Calories
ii. 2g. fat (19% of calories).

Onion Rings is a savory snack, that can be made or prepared without the main recipes such as, egg whites, onion, chilli e.t.c.

i. Onions (2 Big Vidalias)
ii. Corn flakes ( 2cups well crushed)
iii. Chilli powder (1 teaspoon)
iv. Egg White (2)

1. Pre-heat the oven to a 375 degree F. Coat the baking sheet with non stick spray and set aside.
2. Beat the egg white in a large bowl, until it becomes foamy.
3. Cut the onions cross wise into 1/4 thick slices, separate into rings and add it, after adding it toast to coat.
4. Get another clean bowl, add the corn flakes and the chilli powder mix properly, after that dip the rings into the mixture until well coated.
5. Place the well coated rings in a single layer on the prepared baking sheet.
6. Finally, bake for about 15-20 minutes till the onions becomes crispsy.

* The Fat Savings is 9 grams per serving.
* So the onion ring has to pass through a deep fry and then back into the oven.
* For best result on the use large sweet onions such as, Vidalias, with this you can enjoy your onion rings without you worrying about your waist line.

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